President and Managing Partner TNR Accounting & Management Consulting (MBE)

Nadeem Mazhar

President/CEO Custom Technology Solutions (MBE)

Julie Diehl

Managing Director – Supply Chain Alvarez & Marsal

Keith Davis

President & CEO Vaskey Media Group (MBE)

David Wilson

Board Chair | Managing Director Resources/Technology Consulting Accenture


External Projects & Data Analytics Manager

Lyric SmithExternal Projects & Data Analytics ManagerAbout The External Projects & Data Analytics Manager is responsible for grants and external facing technology and projects that create revenue streams and improve the organization’s engagement with corporate members, MBEs and strategic partner organizations. They manage the data analytics of HMSDC by utilizing big data and transforming it…


Director, MBE Services

Brandon DavisDirector, MBE ServicesAbout The MBE Services Director is responsible for ensuring the recruitment and certification of minority business enterprises (MBEs) that meet the needs of corporate and government supply chains. Oversees the MBE orientation process to ensure MBEs are informed of HMSDC programs and that HMSDC is supporting their business needs. Direct your requests…


Operations Manager

Antoine FergusonOperations ManagerAbout The Operations Manager is responsible for the Implementation of the Strategic Plans and the Operational Efficiency of the HMSDC. They manage technology, key performance indicators and projects that improve the organization’s ability to operate effectively and efficiently. They also track, monitor and report project progress based on organization and committee performance. Direct…


Sr. Director, Corporate Services

Angela FreemanSr. Director, Corporate ServicesAbout Ms. Freeman is responsible for corporate membership recruitment and retention. She facilitates relationships between MBEs and corporate decision makers. She engages supplier diversity professionals to advocate for and advise how to incorporate supplier diversity into the buying and procurement process. Direct your requests in the following areas to the Sr.…


CEO | President

Ingrid RobinsonPresidentAbout Ms. Robinson has overall management responsibility for the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council. She is directly responsible for communicating and implementing the organization’s vision, mission and overall strategic direction. She oversees the administration, financial planning, human resources and organizational plans. Direct your requests in the following areas to the President: Advocacy Business Consortium…